Macarthur Women’s Health Physiotherapy Services

At Macarthur Women’s Health Physiotherapy, we offer a range of specialised services for a variety of conditions. You will be looked after by one of our trusted health care providers who not only have a Bachelor degree in Physiotherapy, but have also undergone extensive formal training, research, and clinical experience in the assessment and management of complex women’s health and pregnancy-related conditions as well as paediatric cases. Services are offered in our warm and spacious clinic, which is well equipped with all the essential technology, equipment and products needed for the highest level of care.

Services We Provide

  • Comprehensive pelvic floor assessment

  • Prescription and fitting of pessaries including rings, rings with knob, dishes, shaatz, cubes, gellhorns, donuts

  • Antenatal and postnatal check-up

  • Realtime ultrasound assessment

  • Therapeutic ultrasound

  • Pelvic floor training with biofeedback

  • Antenatal obstetric risk assessment

  • Bladder and bowel retraining

  • Vaginal dilator therapy

  • Pelvic floor muscle downtraining and relaxation

  • Perineometry

  • Electrical stimulation

  • Individual-based clinical Pilates

  • Pre/Post gynaecological surgery rehab

We pride ourselves in delivering the latest evidence-based and patient-centred care to women who refuse to struggle in silence and choose to live their best lives.
— MWHP Team

Conditions We Treat:

Women’s Health Conditions:

  • Pelvic Pain:

    • Urological pain - bladder pain syndrome, interstitial cystitis

    • Sexual dysfunction - vaginismus, dyspareunia, vestibulodynia

    • Anorectal pain - proctalgia fugax, levator ani syndrome

    • Neuropathic - pudendal neuralgia

  • Pelvic organ prolapse

  • Stress urinary incontinence

  • Overactive bladder

  • Pelvic floor dysfunction

  • Bowel/Anorectal dysfunction including constipation and incontinence

  • Paediatric bladder and bowel dysfunction including nocturnal enuresis

  • Recurrent urinary tract infections

Pregnancy Related Conditions:

  • Back, neck and rib pain

  • Pelvic girdle pain including pubic symphysis joint and sacroilic joint dysfunction

  • Pregnancy related sciatic pain

  • Obstetric anal sphincter injury

  • Lower leg and vulvar varicose veins

  • Abdominal muscle separation

  • Breastfeeding problems including blocked ducts or mastitis

  • Coccydnia or tailbone pain