Welcome to Macarthur Women’s Health Physiotherapy

All women are unique.

At Macarthur Women’s Health Physiotherapy we understand the impact of pelvic health on your wellbeing. Which is why we have created a clinic that specifically tailors for women’s needs. A woman’s body is unique structurally, functionally and hormonally, so treatment naturally requires a specialised approach.



We are passionate about women’s health and are dedicated to helping women of all ages achieve their optimum health and function and improve their quality of life. Whether you need assistance with pelvic pain, bladder problems, pelvic floor weakness, or need guidance returning to exercise, we use our many years of training and experience to identify all contributing factors and create a holistic solution specific to your needs.

Continence and Pelvic Floor Therapy

Our highly trained continence and women’s health physiotherapists are able to identify all the contributing factors to your presenting problem and provide an evidence based and tailored treatment program to you.

Antenatal and Postnatal Assessments

During pregnancy and after giving birth we’ve got you covered. We provide education and counselling about birth choices, musculoskeletal and pelvic floor treatment and return to exercise guidance.

Pessary Management

We provide specialised pessary presciption and management. Our therapists are highly trained in the presciption of pessaries especially in complex cases. We pride ourselves in ensuring safe use of pessaries without complications.

Breastfeeding and Mastitis

We understand breastfeeding can be a very challenging time in motherhood especially when you have mastitis. We provide general advice and therapeutic ultrasound techniques to treat blocked ducts and mastitis.


We pride ourselves in delivering exceptional care to our patients and maintaining a strong alliance with their health care providers to ensure a patient-centred focus. With absolute commitment to ongoing professional development and the latest evidence-based practice, our specialised women’s health physiotherapists are titled by the Australian Physiotherapy Association following completion of their Master’s in Clinical Physiotherapy, majoring in Continence and Women’s Health.

Contact our friendly staff today and get one step closer towards regaining optimal health and happiness

Nada Radi

APA Titled Senior Continence and Women’s Health Physiotherapist

Nadine Yassin

APA Titled Senior Continence and Women’s Health Physiotherapist

Aisha Sukeik

Junior Continence and Women’s Health Physiotherapist

Manal Majanni

Junior Continence and Women’s Health Physiotherapist